Tuesday 4 December 2007

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Movie

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Movie. Download.


Director: Peter Weir

Crowe Russell — Capt. Jack Aubrey
Bettany Paul — Dr. Stephen Maturin, Surgeon
D'Arcy James — 1st Lt. Tom Pullings
Woodall Edward — 2nd Lt. William Mowett
Larkin Chris — Capt. Howard, Royal Marines
Pirkis Max — Blakeney, Midshipman
Randall Jack — Boyle, Midshipman
Benitz Max — Calamy, Midshipman
Ingleby Lee — Hollom, Midshipman
Pates Richard — Williamson, Midshipman
Pugh Robert — Mr. Allen, Master
McCabe Richard — Mr. Higgins, Surgeon's Mate
Mercer Ian — Mr. Hollar, Boatswain
Dolan Tony — Mr. Lamb, Carpenter
Threlfall David — Preserved Killick, Captain's Steward

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Movie Taglines:
1: The Courage To Do The Impossible Lies In The Hearts of Men.

Movie can be downloaded in the following versions:
DVD | DivX | PDA | iPOD

Full Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Movie Review:
During the Napoleonic Wars, a British frigate, HMS Surprise, and a much larger French warship, the Acheron, with greater fire power, stalk each other off of the coast of South America. Russell Crowe brings great intensity to the role of Captain Jack Aubrey. Lucky Jack, as he is referred to by his crew, is well regarded by his men, who trust him implicitly, even after the first devastating battle and an apparent personal vendetta against the French captain. While the naval battle sequences are quite fantastic, the film is successful because director Weir chose to build the story to get to know the men who are locked aboard the tight quarters of a small ship and how they interact everyday. The officers and the mates are well-known by the time the final battle comes. Paul Bettany offers a strong performance as the surgeon and naturalist who balances the violence of his chosen life with the quiet demeanor of the scientist. He is the captain's friend and confidant, the two frequently playing violin and cello duets together. The horrors of the injuries from the war are frequently implied, but vividly depicted in the reactions of the characters.

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